- Dorena School
- Web Links
Web Links
Sites That Require District Internet Permission Form
Students must have returned the district Internet Permission Form and received Internet instruction at the school before they use the sites below or other WWW sites.
OSLIS (Oregon School Library Information System)
Sites That Don't Require District Permission
Students without Internet permission may use these links:
World Book Online
Science Links
Animal/Life Science
- Human and Animal Habitats – Play the animal habitat games
- Penguins
- ARKLIVE Images of Life on Earth
- Discovery.com: Animal Planet Information, live cams
- Electronic Zoo Take a trip to the zoo and learn about your favorite animals
- American Kennel Club
- Just for Kids: Soil Biological Communities
- National Geographic for Kids
- Virtual Owl pellet dissection
- The Bear Den
- Zoom Birds
Marine Animals
- Earth’s Oceans
- Zoom Whales
- Antarctic Penguins
- KidZone Penguin Facts – Great facts (note: ignore flashing ads)
- Penguin Photos
- Pacific Northwest Snake
- Snakes Alive
Earth Sciences
- Dinosaur Eggs
- Zoom Dinosaurs Learn all about dinosaurs
- Smithsonian Dinosaur Dig
- National Geographic Dinosaurs of the past
- Medtopolis-The Human Body-The Virtual Body
- Exploratorium Interactive science museum
- How Products Are Made Discover how a product is made and the history behind its invention
- Science Explorer Experiments for use in the classroom or at home with parents
- Science Games Fun science games from School Time
- Science Made Simple Science fun for children, science help for parents, science fair projects & help
- Build the Virtual Frog Interactively dissect a (digitized) frog named Fluffy, make movies, and play the Virtual Frog Builder Game.
- The Yuckiest Site on the Internet
- Edheads-Activate your mind
People in Science
- Invention Dimension Learn about inventors and their inventions
Polar Regions
Rainforest Regions
- Help With Rainforest Reports
- Rainforest Facts
- Zoom Rainforests
- Play Amazon Explorer
- Tropical Rain Forest Animals
Science Fair Project Ideas
- All Students:
- Planetary Geological Comparison Charts
- How Old Are You? Activity for students. How old are you in “planet” years?
- Moon ABC Fact Sheet
- Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Mission Comprehensive information site about our solar system
- Phoenix Mars Lander
- StarChild: A Learning Center for Young Astronomers
- Welcome to the Planets
- Windows to the Universe This page is also available in Spanish
- Your weight on other Planets Fun for students. What do you think you would weigh on another planet?
- Zoom Astronomy
- Intermediate students:
- Amazing Space – Classroom activities
- Catalog of Spaceborne Imaging A Guide to NSSDC’s Planetary Image Archives
- Planetary Fact Sheets Planetary fact sheets provided by NASA
- Quest: NASA K-12 Internet Initiative
- Solar System
- Views of the Solar System
- Virtual Solar System National geographic site featuring a virtual tour of the solar system.
- International Space Station sites:
Reading Links
Reading Counts
- Creators.com
- MakeBeliefsComix Make you own comic strip …easy & fun!
- Arcademic Skill BuildersFast paced Language Arts practice in a video game style that kids love
- The Internet Public Library Youth Division
- School Time Language arts games
Newspaper Links:
Literacy Resources:
- Berenstein Bear Country
- BookPals Storyline Online
- Cat in the Hat – PBS
- Children’s Book Council
- Children’s Literature Web Guide
- GameGoo – Educational Games
- Grimms Fairy Tales
- Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales and Stories
- PBS Kids
- Seussville
- *** Starfall
- *** Treasures
- The World of Beverly Cleary
- Tumblebook Library
Spelling Resources:
Math Links
- AAA Math Online math materials for students in grades K-8
- A+ Math This site is great fun for elementary and middle school students
- Arcademic Skill Builders Fast paced math facts practice in a video game style that kids love
- Ask Dr. Math Dr. Math to the rescue
- Basic Multiplication Facts On-line activity
- Change Maker Practice making change
- Clocks
- Clock-Wise Online activities. Select “Random” to set difficulty level
- Elapsed Time How much time has elapsed?
- Create a Graph
- Cyberchase
- Dave’s Math Tables Don’t miss this site with all kinds of math formulas
- Elementary Problem of the Week
- Fractions
- FunBrain
- Geometry Activities
- IXL Math Practice makes perfect, and IXL makes math practice fun
- InterActivate
- Interactive Math Activities
- Math Playground
- The Math Page
- Moby Math Sign-In
- Multiplication Games
- School Time Math and Logic Games
- Sudoku puzzles to solve on line
- Tangrams
- US Mint For Kids
- Virtual Manipulatives
History/Social Studies Links
American Revolution:
- Ben’s Guide to US Government
- Jamestown/Rediscovery
- Liberty! The American Revolution – detailed information with video & audio clips, online game
- Revolutionary War Stories
- American History Biographies: Provides biographies of historical persons related to American History.
- Biographical Dictionary with more than 27,000 notable men and women from ancient times to the present day.
- Biography Online: Biographies of famous people.
- Distinguished Women of Past and Present
- Exploring Leonardo
- The First Ladies
- National Women’s Hall of Fame
- People in Astronomy: Astronomers and other scientists and philosophers who have had an impact on how astronomy has taken shape.
- WIC – Biography Index: Biographies of women selected for the Living Legacy Awards given by the Women’s International Center. Pictures included.
- Class Zone – Ancient Civilization
- The History Buff’s Library
- PBS Kids
- Social Studies Games
- You’ve Got Braille
- American Foundation for the Blind
- Hellen Keller Kids Museum On Line
- Ben Franklin
- Ben’s Guide to US Government for Kids
- Iditarod Field Trip
- Time For Kids
Lewis & Clark:
- PBS- Lewis & Clark Discovering Lewis and Clark
- Lewis & Clark- Mapping The West
- National Geographic – Go West Across America With Lewis & Clark
- National Geographic- Lewis & Clark
- PBS Lewis & Clark
Native Americans:
- Cherokee People
- Native Tech
- Nez Perce Information and Education
- PBS Online – Lewis and Clark: Native Americans
- People of Northwest Coast
- Wampanoag History
- The First Thanksgiving
Oregon State Web Sites:
Oregon Trail Web Sites:
- Historic Sites on the Oregon Trail
- Oregon Territory: The Basics
- Oregon Trail Diary The Diary of James Madison Coon and Nancy Iness (Miller) Coon on the Oregon Trail.
- The Overland Trail – a clickable map
Our United States:
- The 50 States of the United States- Find facts and information about each of our 50 states
- Oregon Blue Book Kids Home Page – Visit the State Capital & learn about Oregon
- Ellis Island Take an interactive journey to Ellis Island
- Statue of Liberty – NYC tourist Information
- The White House Learn about the White House
- National Park Service – ParkNet
- USA Geography-Map Game
- Kidspace: Stately Knowledge
- Harry S. Truman Library & Museum Project Whistlestop
- POTUS-Presidents of the US